
Characterization of the warm--hot intergalactic medium near the Coma cluster through high--resolution spectroscopy of X Comae

, , , , and .
(2017)cite arxiv:1705.02214Comment: MNRAS accepted.


We have analyzed all available archival XMM-Newton observations of X Comae, a bright X-ray quasar behind the Coma cluster, to study the properties of the warm-hot intergalactic medium in the vicinity of the nearest massive galaxy cluster. The RGS observations confirm the possible presence of a Ne IX K-alpha absorption line at the redshift of Coma, although with a limited statistical significance. This analysis is therefore in line with the earlier analysis by Takei et al. (2007) based on a sub-set of these data. Its large column density and optical depth, however, point to implausible conditions for the absorbing medium, thereby casting serious doubts to its reality. Chandra has never observed X Comae and therefore cannot provide additional information on this source. We combine upper limits to the presence of other X-ray absorption lines (notably from O VII and O VIII) at the redshift of Coma with positive measurements of the soft excess emission from Coma measured by ROSAT (Bonamente et al. 2003). The combination of emission from warm-hot gas at kT~1/4 keV and upper limits from absorption lines provide useful constraints on the density and the sightline length of the putative WHIM towards Coma. We conclude that the putative warm-hot medium towards Coma is consistent with expected properties, with a baryon overdensity >=10 and a sightline extent of order of tens of Mpc.



  • @miki

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