
The impact of host-cell dynamics on the fixation probability for lytic viruses

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Journal of Theoretical Biology, 259 (4): 799--810 (2009)
DOI: DOI: 10.1016/j.jtbi.2009.05.008


Lytic viruses are obligate parasites whose population dynamics are necessarily coupled to the dynamics of their host-cell population. The adaptation rate of these viruses has attracted considerable scientific interest, as they are a key model organism in experimental evolution. Nevertheless, to date mathematical models of experimental evolution have largely ignored the host-cell population. In this paper we incorporate two important features of host-cell dynamics--the possibility of clearance or death of an infected cell before lysis, and the possibility of changing host-cell density--into previous models for the fixation probability of lytic viruses. We compute the fixation probabilities of rare alleles that confer reproductive benefit through either an increase in attachment rate or burst size, or a reduction in lysis time. We find that host-cell clearance significantly reduces the fixation probabilities of all types of beneficial mutations, having the largest impact on mutations which reduce the lysis time, but has only modest effects on the pattern of fixation probabilities previously observed. We further predict that exponential growth of the host-cell population preferentially selects for mutations that affect burst size or lysis time, and exacerbates the sensitive dependence of fixation probabilities on the time between population bottlenecks. Even when burst size and lysis time are constrained to vary together, our results suggest that lytic viruses should readily adapt to optimize these traits to the timing between population bottlenecks.


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