
Review of Image Segmentation Techniques

International Journal of Innovative Science and Modern Engineering (IJISME), 1 (8): 54-61 (July 2013)


Segmentation is nothing but making the part of image or any object. Pattern recognition and image analysis are the initial steps of image segmentation. In the computer vision domain and image analysis we can done important research topic in the segmentation of video with dynamic background. Image segmentation is most of judging or analyzing function in image processing and analysis. Image segmentation refers to partition of an image into different regions that are homogenous or similar and inhomogenous in some characteristics. Image segmentation results have an effect on image analysis and it following higher order tasks. Image analysis includes object description and representation, feature measurement. Higher order task follows classification of object.. Hence characterization, visualization of region of interest in any image, delineation plays an important role in image segmentation. Using the different algorithms the current methodologies of image segmentation is reviewed so that user interaction is possible for images. In this paper, the review of image segmentation is explained by using different techniques.



  • @ijisme_beiesp

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  • @ijisme_beiesp
    3 years ago (last updated 3 years ago)
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