
The structural frame of academic culture.

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"How is the economic and political surrounding of an Indonesian university influencing its academic culture? What are the challenges a university in Indonesia has to face due to its specific structural setting? What are the goals for which the university is striving as an institution and how do the relevant protagonists at the university behave in this context? After giving information on the methods and background of the research, Section 1 will provide a theoretical framework for the research topic and its different facets. Beginning with an explanation of Peter Weingart's (2003) theory on the mutual influences of the aggregated societal parts science, economy and politics, Section 1 will continue with the explanation of the related Triple Helix. There will then be a description of Pierre Bourdieu's theory of a social field applied to academia, and thus giving a closer look into the individual's behavior concerning academic, political, economic and institutional aspects. The end of Section 1 presents Heru Nugroho's (2005) observations and interpretations of recent developments at UGM specifically the academic activities of the lecturers in the light of the economic and political conditions. The research results will be revealed in Section 2. After a brief orientation to the management and administration environment of the people at UGM, findings and quotes of the informants will be analyzed in the context of Bourdieu's and Nugroho's remarks. In the last two chapters, the research results on the macro perspective corresponding to Weingart's approach are illustrated." (author's abstract).



  • @tosta

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