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Pythagorean Boxes with Primitive Faces

(2010)cite arxiv:1005.0084 Comment: 14 pages.


In their paper "Pythagorean Boxes", Raymond A.Beauregard and E.R.Suryanarayan define the concept or notion of Pythagorean Rectangle as one with sidelengths and integer diagonal lengths(see 1);they also introduce the concept of a Pythagorean Box as a rectangular three-dimensional parallelepiped whose edges and diagonals have integer lengths.As in that paper, the abbreviation PB will simply stand for "Pythagorean Box";also in this article,the abbreviated notion PR will stand for "Pythagorean Rectangle". In the Beauregard and Suryanarayan paper,it was shown that there exist infinitely many PB's with a square base and height equal to 1.In this paper,we present a method and formulas that generate infinitely many PB's that contain a pair of opposite(and hence congruent)PR's which are primitive;a PR is primitive if the four congruent Pythagorean triangles contained there in are primitive.There are three results in this paper.In Result1,we derive certain explicit conditions that a PB must satisfy, if it possesses two pairs of(opposite)primitive PR's.In Result2,we show that if similar conditions are satisfied then infinitely many PB's can be generated containing a pair of(opposite)PR's.In Result3, we prove that there exist no PB's with a square base and a face(and hence two faces)which is a primitive PR.



  • @anilloselficos

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