
Spin-resolved spectroscopy of helical Andreev bound states

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Phys. Rev. Res., 4 (1): 013182 (04.03.2022)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.013182


We propose a versatile setup that allows performing spin-resolved spectroscopy of helical Andreev bound states, proving their existence and therefore the topological nature of the Josephson junction that hosts them. The latter is realized on the helical edge of a 2D topological insulator, proximitized with two superconducting electrodes. The spectroscopic analysis is enabled by a quantum point contact, which couples the junction with another helical edge acting as a spin-sensitive probe. By means of straightforward transport measurements, it is possible to detect the particular spin structure of the helical Andreev bound state and to shine light on the mechanism responsible for their existence, i.e., the presence of protected Andreev reflection within the Josephson junction. We discuss the robustness of this helical Andreev spectrometer with respect to processes that weaken spin to charge conversion.


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