
Assessing K-12 pre-engineering outreach programs

, , and .
Frontiers in Education Conference, 1999. FIE '99. 29th Annual, 1, page 11B5/15 -11B5/20 vol.1. (November 1999)
DOI: 10.1109/FIE.1999.839234


Motivated by a desire to excite K-12 students about the joys of engineering and to spark their interest in pre-engineering subjects, the Integrated Teaching and Learning (ITL) Program at the University of Colorado at Boulder (USA) has developed a pre-engineering outreach program targeted at K-12 teachers and students. To supplement anecdotal success indicators, ITL developed several assessment tools to measure the impact of these programs. Assessment strategies consist of three key components: (1) assessment of workshop participant feedback (teachers and students); (2) assessment of long-term outcomes (teachers); and (3) assessment tools developed for the teachers' classroom use (i.e., embedded assessment). This paper reviews the process used to develop the assessment plans and tools. Examples of the tools used to assess participant feedback and long-term outcomes are provided Additionally, the process used to develop embedded assessment tools is described, including development of performance criteria and assessment tools that are linked to the learning goals, objectives, and K-12 State educational standards.



  • @ajlakanen

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