
The Josephson relation for the superfluid density and the connection to the Goldstone theorem in dilute Bose atomic gasses

, , and .
(2011)cite arxiv:1112.2233 Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure.


We derive the Josephson relation for a dilute Bose gas in the framework of an auxiliary-field resummation of the theory in terms of the normal- and anomalous-density condensates. The mean-field phase diagram of this theory features two critical temperatures, T_c and $T^*, associated with the presence in the system of the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) and superfluid state, respectively. In this context, the Josephson relation shows that the superfluid density is related to a second order parameter, the square of the anomalous-density condensate. This is in contrast with the corresponding result in the Bose gas theory without an anomalous condensate, which predicts that the superfluid density is proportional to the BEC condensate density. Our findings are consistent with the prediction that in the temperature range between T_c and T^* a fraction of the system is in the superfluid state in the absence of the BEC condensate. This situation is similar to the case of dilute Fermi gases, where the superfluid density is proportional to the square of the gap parameter. The Josephson relation relies on the existence of zero energy and momentum excitations showing the intimate relationship between superfluidity and the Goldstone theorem.



  • @vakaryuk

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