
Analyse métalinguistique de l’émergence d’un système d’écriture des Langues des Signes: SignWriting et son application à la Langue des Signes Italienne (LIS).

Université de Paris8 St. Denis / Università degli Studi di Perugia, (2012)
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3817.4563


Metalinguistic analysis of an emerging writing system for sign languages: SignWriting and its implementation to the Italian Sign Language (LIS) Sign Languages (SL) do not have a written form and most of the systems intended to represent them have shown many failures. This study is focused on SignWriting (SW), which seems to be the best system, among the existing ones, to represent the forms of SL. The aim of this work is to understand how, despite the apparent complexity of the system, SW appears to be so easy to use; moreover, this work wants to show SW capacities as a tool to encourage metalinguistic observations on LIS. First the system itself is analyzed as well as its most common problems. This approach outlines most of these difficulties, allowing to understand them, which in turn favors the development of the system. Users’ observations cover not only the system itself but also its adequacy for the writing of SL, highlighting its potential to raise metalinguistic thinking. The final part of the analysis is dedicated to the proposals for some improvements of SW, on the basis of the data gathered and the analysis carried out. These improvements aim at teaching and informatization of SW. In conclusion, SW seems to be a promising system, effective to represent the forms of SL, despite some problems and the need for improvements.


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