
OSI Reference Model-the ISO model of architecture for open systems interconnection

IEEE Trans. Communication (USA), COM-28 (4): 425--432 (April 1980)IRIA/Lab., Rocquencourt, France.


Considering the urgency of the need for standards which would allow constitution of heterogeneous computer networks, iso created a new subcommittee for 'open systems interconnection' (ISO/TC97/SC16) in 1977. The first priority of subcommittee 16 was to develop an architecture for open systems interconnection which could serve as a framework for the definition of standard protocols. In july 1979 the specifications of this architecture, established by SC16, were passed under the name of 'osi reference model' to technical committee 97 'data processing'. This paper presents the model of architecture. Some indications are also given on the initial set of protocols which will likely be developed in this osi reference model.



  • @dret
  • @fohv
  • @lysander07

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