
Adsorption of colloids with Gaussian size distribution

, , , and .
Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Adsorption of colloidal particles at surfaces has been the focus of scientific and technological interest. The process is considered irreversible if motion is not possible on the experimental time scale. We present an extensive Monte Carlo study of the irreversible growth of single-layer colloidal films taking into account size dispersion, in which particles interact via the excluded volume interaction. We start by considering the simple case of a binary mixture adsorption, with colloids of two different sizes, and simulate the deposition process for different values of the size ratio. We also consider another case of colloidal particles with a truncated Gaussian size distribution, with size dispersions ranging from zero to $20\%$ of the average particle size. Increasing size dispersion increases coverage efficiency, since as time progress only particles of smaller radii can still fit in. Such kinetic properties can provide control on the size distribution of adsorbed particles. To well characterize the jamming state we also measure the pair correlation function of distance between colloids for different values of size dispersion. According to the literature, the coverage approach to the jamming limit, i.e., the state where no more particles can be adsorbed, follows a power-law with exponent $1/3$. We observe this behavior in our simulation, even at small values of size dispersion. Finally, the adsorption kinetics was also studied through the measurement of the mean value and dispersion of adsorbed particles radius as a function of time.



  • @statphys23

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