
Diffusive capture process on scale-free networks

, , , , , , and .
Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


We study the dynamical properties of a diffusing lamb captured by a diffusing lion on the scale-free networks with various sizes of $N$. We find that the life time $łeft<T\right>$ of a lamb scales as $łeft<T\right>N$ and the survival probability $S(Nınfty,t)$ becomes finite on scale-free networks with degree exponent $\gamma>3$. However, $S(N,t)$ for $\gamma<3$ has a long-living tail on tree-structured scale-free networks and decays exponentially on looped scale-free networks. It suggests that the second moment of degree distribution $łeft<k^2\right>$ is the relevant factor for the dynamical properties in diffusive capture process. We numerically find that the normalized number of capture events at a node with degree $k$, $n(k)$, decreases as $n(k)k^-\sigma$. When $\gamma<3$, $n(k)$ still increases anomalously for $kk_max$, where $k_max$ is the maximum value of $k$ of given networks with size $N$. We analytically show that $n(k)$ satisfies the relation $n(k)k^2P(k)$ for any degree distribution $P(k)$ and the total number of capture events $N_tot$ is proportional to $łeft<k^2\right>$, which causes the $\gamma$ dependent behavior of $S(N,t)$ and $łeft<T\right>$



  • @statphys23

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