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What is the distance to the CMB? How relativistic corrections remove the tension with local H0 measurements

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The success of precision cosmology depends not only on accurate observations, but also on the theoretical model - which must be understood to at least the same level of precision. Subtle relativistic effects can lead to biased measurements if they are neglected. One such effect gives a systematic shift in the distance-redshift relation away from its background value, due to the accumulation of all possible lensing events. We estimate the expectation value of this aggregated lensing using second-order perturbations about a concordance background, and show that the distance to last scattering is shifted by several percent. Neglecting this shift leads to significant bias in the background cosmological parameters. We show that this removes the tension between local measurements of H0 and those measured through the CMB and favours a closed universe.



  • @ericblackman

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