
Indigenization versus Ideologization: Communication Science on the Periphery

European Journal of Communication, (1989)
DOI: 10.1177/0267323189004003007


This article analyses the position and development patterns of communication science on the periphery and examines the factors that may explain why it lags behind the progress made by intellectual centres in more developed scholarly communities. The analysis is concerned with the differences between the centre and the periphery in the growth of paradigms for disciplinary development, the role of communication theories and empirical research, and particularly with intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions of indigenization and their relationship to the ideologization of science. A citation analysis of Yugoslav articles published in the field of communication science from 1964 to 1986 is presented to demonstrate the typical features of slow disciplinary growth in Yugoslavia, and to illustrate those external and internal influences that account for scientific lag in a typical peripheral community.



  • @jpooley

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