
Bondi-Hoyle Accretion in an Isothermal Magnetized Plasma

, , , and .
(Jan 27, 2014)


In regions of star formation, protostars and newborn stars accrete mass from their natal clouds. These clouds are threaded by magnetic fields with a strength characterized by the plasma beta---the ratio of thermal and magnetic pressures. Observations show molecular clouds have beta <= 1, so magnetic fields can play a significant role in the accretion process. We have carried out a numerical study of the effect of large-scale magnetic fields on the rate of accretion onto a uniformly moving point particle from a uniform, non-self-gravitating, isothermal gas. We consider gas moving with sonic Mach numbers of up M \~ 45, magnetic fields that are either parallel, perpendicular, or oriented 45 degrees to the flow, and beta as low as 0.01. Our simulations utilize AMR to obtain high spatial resolution where needed; this also allows the simulation boundaries to be far from the accreting object. Additionally, we show our results are independent of our exact prescription for accreting mass in the sink particle. We give simple expressions for the steady-state accretion rate as a function of beta, M, and field orientation. Using typical molecular clouds values of M \~ 5 and beta \~ 0.04 from the literature, our fits suggest a 0.4 M\_Sun star accretes \~ 4*10^-9 M\_Sun/year, almost a factor of two less than accretion rates predicted by hydrodynamic models. This disparity grows to orders of magnitude for stronger fields and lower Mach numbers. We discuss the applicability of these accretion rates versus accretion rates expected from gravitational collapse, and when a steady state is possible. This reduction in Mdot increases the time required to form stars in competitive accretion models, making such models less efficient. In numerical codes, our results should enable accurate subgrid models of sink particles accreting from magnetized media.



  • @ericblackman

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