
We report results of inelastic neutron scattering measurements of phonon dispersions in optimally doped YBa2Cu3O6.95 and compare them with model calculations. The focus is on the in-plane oxygen bond-stretching phonon branches. The study of these modes is complicated by anticrossings with c-axis-polarized branches; such effects are interpreted through lattice-dynamical shell-model calculations. The in-plane anisotropy of the bond-stretching phonons was firmly ascertained from measurements on a detwinned sample. Studying not only the in-plane modes involving in-phase motion for the two Cu-O layers within a unit cell but also those with opposite-phase motion was of great help for establishing a clear experimental picture. The measurements confirm that the in-plane oxygen bond-stretching phonon branches disperse steeply downwards from the zone center in both the a and the b directions indicating a strong electron-phonon coupling. For the b-axis-polarized bond-stretching phonons, there is an additional feature of considerable interest: a sharp local frequency minimum was found to develop on cooling from room temperature to T=10K at wave vector q≈0.27 r.l.u.

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