
Generating person-years and calculating SMR using SAS: a simple program for exact calculations.

. Revue d'épidémiologie et de santé publique, 58 (5): 370-4 (октября 2010)6237<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>CI: Copyright (c) 2010; JID: 7608039; 2009/07/24 received; 2010/02/09 revised; 2010/03/26 accepted; 2010/10/12 aheadofprint; ppublish;.
DOI: 10.1016/j.respe.2010.03.004


The computation of standardized incidence/mortality ratios or Poisson regression requires the calculation of person-years generated in a cohort. Softwares can do that, but SAS users still need to program this step themselves. Various algorithms were published previously, but they do not perform exact calculations: the present paper describes a simple program, which creates exact person-years, and computes SMRs. This program provides a referenced tool to perform this analysis in a cohort, with SAS or another language (the algorithm used can be easily adapted).

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