
Migration Pattern and Urban Informal Sector of Bangladesh The Applicability of the Harris Todaro Migration Model in the Presence of COVID 19 Outbreak

. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 4 (6): 1367-1377 (сентября 2020)


Urbanization in Bangladesh is an emergent phenomenon of recent times. Widespread urbanization facilitates the economy through offering urban centric better employment opportunities to generate greater pull factor which attracts more rural to urban migration. The growing population creates more pressure in urban economy which might led the urban formal sector to perform less effectively. Income differentials between rural and urban area form a greater expected urban income which motivate migrants to change their workplace and move to urban areas. Urban formal sectors have been mislaying its ability to generate diversified income source for those excessive urban job seekers. As a result, higher unemployment rate in urban sector creates more pressure on the economy. People migrating from rural to urban may wish to stay for a considerable period of time with a hope of finding a new settlement and prefer to survive with lack of both social and financial insecurities leading to the establishment of urban slums. Informal sector has led the way to feed those who are unable to get a desired job through offering short time self employment opportunity. Rural to urban migration sometimes act in opposite direction owing to economic downturns when urban sector fails to absorb the jobless labors often encourage reverse migration. Current ongoing COVID 19 pandemic in Bangladesh has led informal sector in a fickle due to continuous lock down situation which compels urban to rural migration for most of the population engaged in informal economic activities in many urban areas of Bangladesh. Naimur Rahman | Faryana Rafiq "Migration Pattern and Urban Informal Sector of Bangladesh: The Applicability of the Harris-Todaro Migration Model in the Presence of COVID-19 Outbreak" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd33690.pdf Paper Url: https://www.ijtsrd.com/economics/other/33690/migration-pattern-and-urban-informal-sector-of-bangladesh-the-applicability-of-the-harristodaro-migration-model-in-the-presence-of-covid19-outbreak/naimur-rahman

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