
Model-Driven Development of Web Applications

, and .
Int. J. on Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology,, 10 (1): 8 (January 2014)


Over the last few years Model-Driven Development (MDD) has been regarded as the future of Software Engineering, offering architects the possibility of creating artifacts to illustrate the design of the software solutions, contributing directly to the implementation of the product after performing a series of model transformations on them. The model-to-text transformations are the most important operations from the point of view of the automatic code generation. The automatic generation or the fast prototyping of applications implies an acceleration of the development process and a reduction of time and effort, which could materialize in a noticeable cost reduction. This paper proposes a practical approach for the model-based development of web applications, offering a solution for the layered and platform independent modeling of web applications, as well as for the automatic generation of software solutions realized using the ASP.NET technology.



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