
Comprehensive tool support for iterative SOA evolution

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Proceedings of the International Workshop on SOA Migration and Evolution 2010 (SOAME 2010) as part of the 14th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR 2010), page 1--10. (March 2010)


In recent years continuously changing market situations required IT systems that are flexible and highly responsive to changes of the underlying business processes. The transformation to service-oriented architecture (SOA) concepts, mainly services and loose coupling, promises to meet these demands. However, elevated complexity in management and evolution processes is required for the migration of existing systems towards SOA. Studies in this area of research have revealed a gap between in continuous and actual tool support of development teams throughout the process phases of evolution processes. Thus, in this article we introduce a method that fosters evolution by an iterative approach and illustrate how each phase of this method can be tool-supported.



  • @se-group

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