
Is the \$f\_0(600)\$ meson a dynamically generated resonance? &\#45;&\#45; a lesson learned from the O(N) model and beyond

, , and .
(Jun 11, 2007)


O(N) linear \$\sigma\$ model is solvable in the large \$N\$ limit and hence provides a useful theoretical laboratory to test various unitarization approximations. We find that the large \$N\_c\$ limit and the \$m\_\sigmaınfty\$ limit do not commute. In order to get the correct large \$N\_c\$ spectrum one has to firstly take the large \$N\_c\$ limit. We argue that the \$f\_0(600)\$ meson may not be described as generated dynamically. On the contrary, it is most appropriately described at the same level as the pions, i.e, both appear explicitly in the effective lagrangian. Actually it is very likely the \$\sigma\$ meson responsible for the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in a lagrangian with linearly realized chiral symmetry.



  • @cmcneile

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