
Comparing two diagnostic tests against the same "gold standard" in the same sample.

Biometrics, 53 (1): 73-85 (March 1997)3366<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Proves diagnòstiques.


Methods are proposed for comparing two diagnostic tests for the same data where a threshold for positive for each test is specified. One method contrasts the diagnostic tests' estimated risks. A second method compares the two tests' kappa coefficients. When thresholds for positive test results are specified a priori, maximum likelihood estimators and their asymptotic variances are derived and test statistics are presented for both case-control and naturalistic methods of sampling. The bootstrap is proposed as a method to assess differences in risk estimators when thresholds for positive test results are chosen by scanning the data. Examples are given to illustrate the methods.



  • @jepcastel

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