In this paper, we investigate the contributions of hard spectator scattering
and annihilation in $B$ $\to$ $PV$ decays within QCD factorization framework.
With available experimental data on $B$ $\to$ $\piK^\ast$, $\rhoK$,
$\pi\rho$ and $K\phi$ decays, comprehensive $\chi^2$ analyses on
parameters $X_A,H^i,f$ or ($\rho_A,H^i,f$, $\phi_A,H^i,f$) are
performed, where $X_A^f$ ($X_A^i$) and $X_H$ are used to parameterize
the endpoint divergences of the (non)factorizable annihilation and hard
spectator scattering amplitudes, respectively. From $\chi^2$ analyses, it is
found that (1) the topology-dependent parameterization is feasible for $B$
$\to$ $PV$ decays; (2) A relatively small value of inverse moment parameter
$łambda_B$ $\sim$ 0.2 GeV for $B$ meson wave function is allowed by $B$
$\to$ $PP$, $PV$ decays; (3) At present accurate level of experimental
measurements and theoretical evaluations, $X_H$ $=$ $X_A^i$ is a good
simplification, but $X_H$ $\neq$ $X_A^f$ at $68\%$ C. L.; (4) With the
simplification $X_H$ $=$ $X_A^i$, parameters $X_A^f$ and $X_A^i$
should be treated individually, and their accessible spaces are clearly
separated. The above-mentioned findings are very similar to the case in $B$
$\to$ $PP$ decays. Numerically, we get
$(\rho_A,H^i,\phi_A,H^i^\circ) = (3.08^+1.21_-1.34,
-145^+20_-11)$ and $(\rho_A^f,\phi_A^f^\circ) =
(0.83^+0.14_-0.12, -36^+11_-8)$ at $68\%$ C. L. for $B$ $\to$ $PV$
decays. With the best-fit parameters, all results for observables of $B$
$\to$ $PV$ decays agree with experimental data within errors. The forthcoming
refined measurements at LHCb and SuperB factory are highly expected to further
understand the hard spectator scattering and annihilation corrections.
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