
Gravitational Kaluza-Klein modes in the string-cigar braneworld

, , , and .
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.065031


In this work we analyze the properties of the gravitational Kaluza-Klein (KK) modes in two stringlike braneworlds, the thin Gherghetta-Shaposhnikov (GS) model and the thick string-cigar model. The string-cigar model is a smooth generalization of the GS model that undergoes a Ricci geometrical flow. We find a new massless mode in both models satisfying the respective Schrodinger equations. By means of a numerical analysis, we obtain the complete graviton spectrum and its respective eigenfunctions. The KK spectrum exhibits the usual linear regime for large discrete index n and we find a new decreasing regime for small n. Moreover, there is an asymmetric mass gap between the massless mode and the massive KK tower. The mass gap in the GS model is bigger than in the string-cigar model. In addition, the mass gap remains invariant upon the geometrical flow. It turns out that in the string-cigar model the brane structure smoothes and amplifies the KK modes near the brane core. The presence of a potential well in the string-cigar scenario allows the existence of resonant massive gravitons for small masses.



  • @ppgfis_ufc_br

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