Low temperature polarized Raman scattering measurements of KDP : Mn
(0.9% weight of Mn) were performed at temperatures ranging from 14 to
300 K, over the spectral range 50-1250 cm(-1). In the present results we
can see that the spectra of undoped and doped samples at room
temperature are very different. Doped samples maintain the KDP structure
as tetragonal, with the same factor group D(2d) but with a different
class of the space group, different from the original 12. The results
show that the crystal undergoes a phase transition at temperature
between 115 and 97 K, which is much lower than the phase transition
temperature of undoped KDP that occurs at 122 K, where the crystal
changes from the para-electric to the ferroelectric phase. Further, at
very low temperature (14 K) we can see that the spectra of KDP : Mn
(0.9% weight of Mn) present a behavior very different from the behavior
presented by the spectra of KDP doped with low Mn concentration.
Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.