
A complete set of guidelines for naming UML conceptual schema elements

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Data & Knowledge Engineering, (2013)


Abstract We focus on the problem of naming conceptual schema elements in UML, which is faced by conceptual modelers every time they define a new element that requires a name. The problem is significant because in general there are many elements that require a name, and the names given have a strong influence on the understandability of that schema. We propose a guideline for every kind of element to which a conceptual modeler may give a name in UML. The guideline comprises the grammar form of the name and a pattern sentence. A name complies with our guideline if it has that form and the sentence generated from the pattern sentence is grammatically well-formed and semantically meaningful. The main novelty of our proposal is that it is (as far as we know) the first that provides a naming guideline for each kind of element of conceptual schemas in UML.



  • @sjbutler

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