IEEE Transactions. System, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), Special
Issue on Learning Autonomous Systems
model-based learning with a first planning application, faces grounding
problem and situatedness (->the adaptation of the recurrent connections
in the RNN); noisy, online discretized env.
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%0 Journal Article
%1 Tani:1996a
%A Tani, Jun
%D 1996
%J IEEE Transactions. System, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), Special
Issue on Learning Autonomous Systems
%K imported
%N 3
%P 421--436
%T Model-based learning for mobile robot navigation from the dynamical
systems perspective
%V 26
%Z model-based learning with a first planning application, faces grounding
problem and situatedness (->the adaptation of the recurrent connections
in the RNN); noisy, online discretized env.
added-at = {2009-06-26T15:25:19.000+0200},
annote = {model-based learning with a first planning application, faces grounding
problem and situatedness (->the adaptation of the recurrent connections
in the RNN); noisy, online discretized env.},
author = {Tani, Jun},
biburl = {},
description = {diverse cognitive systems bib},
interhash = {3538a2f2e91bea7e324505f44e3de14b},
intrahash = {7c33ef7722cf64f991f5dcd4daa22986},
journal = {IEEE Transactions. System, Man and Cybernetics (Part B), Special
Issue on Learning Autonomous Systems},
keywords = {imported},
number = 3,
pages = {421--436},
timestamp = {2009-06-26T15:25:57.000+0200},
title = {Model-based learning for mobile robot navigation from the dynamical
systems perspective},
volume = 26,
year = 1996