Constructing High-Performance All-Small-Molecule Ternary Solar Cells with the Same Third Component but Different Mechanisms for Fullerene and Non-fullerene Systems
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%0 Journal Article
%1 Chang2019
%A Chang, Yanhong
%A Chang, Yilin
%A Zhu, Xiangwei
%A Zhou, Xuehua
%A Yang, Chen
%A Zhang, Jianqi
%A Lu, Kun
%A Sun, Xiangnan
%A Wei, Zhixiang
%D 2019
%I Wiley
%J Advanced Energy Materials
%K organic
%N 16
%P 1900190
%R 10.1002/aenm.201900190
%T Constructing High-Performance All-Small-Molecule Ternary Solar Cells with the Same Third Component but Different Mechanisms for Fullerene and Non-fullerene Systems
%V 9
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author = {Chang, Yanhong and Chang, Yilin and Zhu, Xiangwei and Zhou, Xuehua and Yang, Chen and Zhang, Jianqi and Lu, Kun and Sun, Xiangnan and Wei, Zhixiang},
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journal = {Advanced Energy Materials},
keywords = {organic},
month = mar,
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timestamp = {2019-05-14T14:50:14.000+0200},
title = {Constructing High-Performance All-Small-Molecule Ternary Solar Cells with the Same Third Component but Different Mechanisms for Fullerene and Non-fullerene Systems},
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volume = 9,
year = 2019