
Designing an Experience Sampling Method for Smartphone Based Emotion Detection

, , , and .
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 12 (4): 913-927 (October 2021)
DOI: 10.1109/TAFFC.2019.2905561


Smartphones provide the capability to perform in-situ sampling of human behavior using Experience Sampling Method (ESM). Designing an ESM schedule involves probing the user repeatedly at suitable moments to collect self-reports. Timely probe generation to collect high fidelity user responses while keeping probing rate low is challenging. In mobile-based ESM, timeliness of the probe is also impacted by user's availability to respond to self-report request. Thus, a good ESM design must consider - <italic>probing frequency</italic>, <italic>timely self-report collection</italic>, and <italic>notifying at opportune moment</italic> to ensure high <italic>response quality</italic>. We propose a two-phase ESM design, where the first phase (a) balances between probing frequency and self-report timeliness, and (b) in parallel, constructs a predictive model to identify opportune probing moments. The second phase uses this model to further improve response quality by eliminating inopportune probes. We use typing-based emotion detection in smartphone as a case study to validate proposed ESM design. Our results demonstrate that it reduces probing rate by 64 percent, samples self-reports timely by reducing elapsed time between self-report collection, and event trigger by 9 percent while detecting inopportune moments with an average accuracy of 89 percent. These design choices improve the response quality, as manifested by 96 percent valid response collection and a maximum improvement of 24 percent in emotion classification accuracy.



  • @niloy

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