
High pressure X-ray investigations of phase transitions in Cd1−xMnxTe

, , , , and .
Solid State Commun., 56 (7): 563 - 565 (1985)
DOI: 10.1016/0038-1098(85)90955-X


The mixed crystals Cd1−xMnxTe have been investigated in the pressure range up to 27 GPa by X-ray diffraction. The samples examined, with manganese concentration x = 0, 0.35, and 0.65, crystallize at atmospheric pressure in the zinc-blende phase. We find for all samples two phase transitions in the measured pressure range. The first transition between the zinc-blende and the NaCl-structure is connected with a volume change of about 16%, whereas the second one, between the NaCl-and the β-tin structure, shows no significant volume change. The pressure, at which the two phase transitions occur (3.3 GPa and 11.0 GPa, respectively), are within the occuracy independent of manganese concentration.



  • @chengguang

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