
Creep rupture in thermally activated fiber-bundle model

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


The creep rupture of fiber composites under a uniaxial constant tensile stress is studied in the framework of the fiber-bundle model with thermal noise. In the case of global load sharing rule, the nonmonotonic behavior for the time evolution of the average burst size, $\Delta(t) \rangle$, is numerically observed in some parameter regimes. Assuming homogeneous fibers, the nonmonotonicity is described by the explicit solution of the average burst size as a function of load per fiber after the burst. In the case of local load sharing rule, it is numerically observed that the failure time has a power-law divergence of system size $L$, $t_f L^-k$, where $k$ depends on parameters like temperature and stress. It is also shown that the failure time is scalable in the similar, but somewhat different, way known in the case of global load sharing rule 1-3. Furthermore, burst size distributions are studied for both of load sharing rules. It is observed that the burst size distributions follow power-law, $D(\Delta) \Delta^-\xi$, where $\xi$'s are different from that of the conventional fiber-bundle model without thermal noise. Especially, in the case of global load sharing rule and homogeneous fibers, $\xi$ tends to 2 as temperature goes to zero. The effect of the nonmonotonicity of the burst size is found as the discontinuity in some burst size distributions. ----------------- 1 S. Roux, Phys. Rev. E 62, 6164 (2000). 2 R. Scorretti, S. Ciliberto, and A. Guarino, Europhys. Lett. 55, 626 (2001). 3 S. Ciliberto, A. Guarino, and R. Scorretti, Physica D 158, 83 (2001).


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