
Slow-down collisions and nonsequential double ionization in classical simulations

, , and .
Physical Review Letters, 89 (11): - (September 2002)588AC Times Cited:50 Cited References Count:17.


We use classical simulations to analyze the dynamics of nonsequential double-electron short-pulse photoionization. We utilize a microcanonical ensemble of 10(5) two-electron "trajectories," a number large enough to provide large subensembles and even sub-subensembles associated with double ionization. We focus on key events in the final doubly ionized subensemble and back-analyze the subensemble's history, revealing a classical slow-down scenario for nonsequential double ionization. We analyze the dynamics of these slow-down collisions and find that a good phase match between the motions of the electrons can lead to very effective energy transfer, followed by escape over a suppressed barrier.



  • @xinguo1

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