
The influence of subjective reactions to noise on health effects of the noise

, , , , , , , , , , , and .
Environment International, (1992)


Although not definitively established, a causal link between noise exposure in the residential setting and detrimental health effects is suggested by the evidence. Health effects of noise may arise as a direct consequence of exposure to noise or may be mediated by reactions to noise such as annoyance and dissatisfaction. The evidence suggests that negative subjective reactions to noise predict health outcomes over and above the prediction available from noise exposure itself. The roles of psychological variables in relation to noise are poorly understood. The present paper outlines a model of potential psychological factors and their possible causal roles in the production of noise related health effects. Relevant research identifies a correlational link between reaction to noise and health sequelae. However, it is difficult to determine whether these relationships arise from annoyance causing health effects, or knowledge of health effects increasing reaction, or some third factor such as noise sensitivity causing conjoint increases in both outcomes. Research to determine the underlying mechanisms of these inter-relationships is recommended.



  • @muhe

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