Content Delivery Network CDN and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure HTTPS are two prominent however free web advances, every one of which has been very much concentrated exclusively and autonomously. This paper gives a precise report on how these two cooperate. We inspected 20 prominent CDN suppliers and 10,721 of their client sites utilizing HTTPS. Our investigation uncovers different issues with the present HTTPS practice received by CDN suppliers, for example, broad utilization of invalid authentications, private key sharing, ignored renouncement of stale endorsements, and shaky back-end correspondence. While a portion of those issues are operational issues just, others are established in the principal semantic clash between the conclusion to-end nature of HTTPS and the man-in-the-center idea of CDN including various gatherings in an assigned administration To address the appointment issue At the point when HTTPS MEETS CDN, we proposed and actualized a lightweight arrangement dependent on DANE DNS based Authentication of Named Entities , a rising IETF convention supplementing the current Web PKI show. Our usage shows that it is achievable for HTTPS to work with CDN safely and proficiently. This paper expects to give a setting to future talk inside security and CDN people group on more best arrangements. Pattiwar Shravan Kumar | Ballu Harish "Improved way of Content Delivery Network Management with Authenticated Delegation Service" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-1 , December 2018, URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd20218.pdf
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