
Exact sampling of corrugated surfaces

, , and .
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2009 (02): P02049+ (Oct 15, 2008)
DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2009/02/p02049


We discuss an algorithm for the exact sampling of vectors v in 0,1^N satisfying a set of pairwise difference inequalities. Applications include the exact sampling of skew Young Tableaux, of configurations in the Bead Model, and of corrugated surfaces on a graph, that is random landscapes in which at each vertex corresponds a local maximum or minimum. As an example, we numerically evaluate with high-precision the number of corrugated surfaces on the square lattice. After an extrapolation to the thermodynamic limit, controlled by an exact formula, we put into evidence a discrepancy with previous numerical results.



  • @cmcneile

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