
Embeddability of the combinohedron

, and .
Discrete Mathematics, 254 (1–3): 473 - 483 (2002)
DOI: 10.1016/S0012-365X(01)00298-9


Let e1,…,em be m different symbols, let r1⩾⋯⩾rm be positive integers, and let n=∑i=1mri. The combinohedron, denoted by C(r1,…,rm), is the loopless graph whose vertices are the n-tuples in which the symbol ei appears exactly ri times, and where an edge joins two vertices if and only if one can be transformed into the other by interchanging two adjacent entries. The graph known as permutohedron is a particular case of the combinohedron. Here, we extend to the combinohedron some results on embeddability of the permutohedron.



  • @keinstein
  • @ks-plugin-devel

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