Rational approximation appears in many contexts throughout science and
engineering, playing a central role in linear systems theory, special function
approximation, and many others. There are many existing methods for solving the
rational approximation problem, from fixed point methods like the
Sanathanan-Koerner iteration and Vector Fitting, to partial interpolation
methods like Adaptive Anderson Antoulas (AAA). While these methods can often
find rational approximations with a small residual norm, they are unable to
find optimizers with respect to a weighted l2 norm with a square dense
weighting matrix. Here we develop a nonlinear least squares approach
constructing rational approximations with respect to this norm. We explore this
approach using two parameterizations of rational functions: a ratio of two
polynomials and a partial fraction expansion. In both cases, we show how we can
use Variable Projection (VARPRO) to reduce the dimension of the optimization
problem. As many applications seek a real rational approximation that can be
described as a ratio of two real polynomials, we show how this constraint can
be enforced in both parameterizations. Although this nonlinear least squares
approach often converge to suboptimal local minimizers, we find this can be
largely mitigated by initializing the algorithm using the poles of the AAA
algorithm applied to the same data. This combination of initialization and
nonlinear least squares enables us to construct rational approximants using
dense and potentially ill-conditioned weight matrices such as those that appear
as a step in new H2 model reduction algorithm recently developed by the
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