
Roughness of fracture surfaces: A tool to probe the mechanical heterogeneous properties of brittle materials

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Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Understanding how a crack propagates within a disordered material is a challenging question. Designed for this purpose, many studies since the pioneering work of Mandelbrot1, have focused on the statistical properties of roughness of fracture surfaces, with the hope to extract from their morphology the relevant physical ingredients of their failure. An important step was recently achieved by Bonamy et al.2 that shown that the roughness exponent, characterizing the self-affine geometry of crack roughness, was reminiscent of the failure mechanism. A high exponent $0.8$ is the signature of damage and plastic mechanisms accompanying the failure of the material while a lower exponent $0.4$ was shown to result from a perfectly brittle failure. Interestingly, in this second case, all the irreversible damage and failure processes that have accompagnied the crack growth are localized on the fracture surface only. This suggests that their morphology could be used as a tool to gain information on the disordered structure of the broken material. This study is the first step in this direction. As a starting point, we have developed a model of crack propagation within an ideal elastic disordered material that is able to reproduce the main statistical properties of experimental fracture surfaces of brittle materials. This approach provides a path equation of the crack front involving various mechanical parameters of the material such as its mean Poisson's ratio or properties reminiscent of their disordered structure, such as the typical size of their heterogeneities and their typical 'strength' compared to the mean properties of the material. We will show that, using this equation, it is possible to estimate these parameters directly from the statistical analysis of fracture roughness. In fact, a whole map of the material disorder can be obtained within a cut plane of its 3D structure. The method will be validated on fracture surfaces of synthetic brittle glass ceramics that was shown to exhibit a low roughness exponent $0.4$ 3, taking advantage of the a priori known disordered microstructure of these materials that can be tuned on a controlled manner. The possible application of the method to quasi-brittle materials will be then discussed. 1) B. B. Mandelbrot, D. E. Passoja, and A. J. Paullay, Fractal character of fracture surfaces of metals, Nature, 308, 721 (1984).\\ 2) D. Bonamy, L. Ponson, S. Prades, E. Bouchaud, and C. Guillot, Scaling exponents for fracture surfaces in homogeneous glass and glassy ceramics, Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 135504, (2006).\\ 3) L. Ponson, H. Auradou, P. Vié and J.P. Hulin, Low self-affine exponents of fractured glass ceramics surfaces, Phys. Rev. Lett., 97, 125501, (2006).


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