Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

An E-Learning framework for assessment (FREMA)

, , , , , , , , , , , und .


The paper reports on the FREMA (Framework Reference Model for Assessment) project that aims at creating a Reference Model for the Assessment Domain and delivering it via a heavily interlinked Web site. Because the resulting network of resources (standards, projects, people, organisations, software, services and use cases) is so complex, we require a method of providing users with a structured navigational method that does not require them knowing at first what they might want to find. This led us to look at how overviews of e-learning domains have been handled previously, and work towards our own concept maps that plot the topology of the domain. FREMA was never intended to be a static resource and therefore we converted the original site to use a semantic Wiki, thereby allowing the Assessment Community to use the Knowledgebase to record their own projects, services and potentially new reference models.



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