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%0 Conference Paper
%1 conf/wsdm/AgichteinCDGM08
%A Agichtein, Eugene
%A Castillo, Carlos
%A Donato, Debora
%A Gionis, Aristides
%A Mishne, Gilad
%D 2008
%E Najork, Marc
%E Broder, Andrei Z.
%E Chakrabarti, Soumen
%K dblp
%P 183-194
%T Finding high-quality content in social media.
%@ 978-1-59593-927-2
added-at = {2024-10-06T00:00:00.000+0200},
author = {Agichtein, Eugene and Castillo, Carlos and Donato, Debora and Gionis, Aristides and Mishne, Gilad},
biburl = {},
booktitle = {WSDM},
crossref = {conf/wsdm/2008},
editor = {Najork, Marc and Broder, Andrei Z. and Chakrabarti, Soumen},
ee = {},
interhash = {72c7bf5d1c983c47bfc3c6cc9084c26c},
intrahash = {e42d854504898070b9d972fdd15bcab0},
isbn = {978-1-59593-927-2},
keywords = {dblp},
pages = {183-194},
publisher = {ACM},
timestamp = {2024-10-07T08:53:00.000+0200},
title = {Finding high-quality content in social media.},
url = {},
year = 2008