
Simplified calculation of dynamic and static stresses in a conductor with regard to the suspension clamp

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Under the assumption that the equation for an elastic cable y" = -~~ applies, and with a simple approximation of the deformation y, the bending moment Mx at the support can be calculated. The stresses can then be calculated using stress-strain curves for steel and aluminium respectively. Static tension stresses, due to the line-span's vertical load, must then he ~dded to these static bending stresses. For a 593 mm~ FeAlc on duct o r o f " Curl e w ~ t y p e , t h i s re s u 1 t e d i n s t r e s r; 0 values of ·.· 12 kp/mm - for aluminium and ,_., 100 kp/mmc. for steel2 These high values decre~se to about 6. 4 kp/mm for aluminium and 80 kp/mm" for steel shortly after stringing, owing to creep in the line. The dynamic stresses owing using the impulse the~rem. for aluminium and ~ - 2. 3 supports. to ?sci~lation¥ are This 2 g1 v es r::. - 1 • 3 kg/mm for steel at calcu~ated kg/mm - the By inserting these values in a Smith-diagram it is found that the conductor can withstand 108 load-cycles. The nominal stresses for the entire conductor are thus: - shortly after stringing - after 24 hours creep 2 2 I 2 2. kp mm 14.8 kp/mm 2· With the sheave (D = 400 mm) which at present ts used for stringing in Sweden, the conductor will hold despite the high stresses ( 0 80 % of HS). lt would be desireable, from the point of view of safety, to reduce these stresses. This could suitably be arranged by using a sheave either with a larger diameter or in the form of a tandem wheel.



  • @chkokalis
  • @ceps

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