
LDA++ approach to the electronic structure of magnets: correlation effects in iron

, and .
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 11 (4): 1037--1048 (1999)


A novel approach to the investigation of correlation effects in the electronic structure of magnetic crystals which takes into account a frequency dependence of the self-energy (the so-called `LDA++ approach') is developed. The fluctuation-exchange approximation is generalized to the spin-polarized multi-band case and a local version of it is proposed. As an example, we calculate the electronic quasiparticle spectrum of ferromagnetic iron. It is shown that the Fermi-liquid description of the bands near the Fermi level is reasonable, while the quasiparticle states beyond approximately the 1 eV range are strongly damped, in agreement with photoemission data. The result of the spin-polarized thermoemission experiment is explained satisfactorily. The problem of satellite structure is discussed.



  • @pbuczek

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