
Abstract The constant increase in atmospheric pollution due to greenhouse gas emissions requires humanity to adopt a strategy of absorption and sequestration of these emitted gases. One of the alternatives to the damage caused is, in addition to reducing their emission, their sequestration by ecosystems. The general objective of this study was to estimate the biomass and the amount of carbon sequestered by woody plants in the different biotopes in the classified forest of Yapo-Abbé. Surface surveys and statistical analyses performed on the dendrometric parameters have shown that this forest stores a biomass estimated at 22.26 t/ha for a sequestration of 10.45 t/ha of carbon. Most of this gas is sequestered by the Yapo block, especially by its secondary forest biotope. The least anthropized and least disturbed environments have a greater storage capacity. The amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) sequestered by the classified forest of Yapo-Abbé is on average 39.53 t/ha of atmospheric carbon, or 1,201,988.71 t/ha of CO2 sequestered. This study testifies to the importance of the conservation of forests in Côte d'Ivoire and their importance in the process of reducing greenhouse gases in the troposphere, thus reducing global warming. Keywords: Carbon stock, Sequestrated, Woody species, Yapo-Abbé classified forest

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