
Your web development glossary, including all of the most essential phrases from A to Z When working with web development, you're going to come across a lot of different terminology, and this list is going to provide you with a decent introduction to some of the most significant ones. Even if you don't use every term in your day-to-day work, you should at least be familiar with what they are and what they relate to so that you can use them when necessary. They range from the most fundamental to the most technical, and they are intended to serve as your jumping-off point for additional research and investigation! 1. Flexible A stands for "agile," a prominent buzzword that is currently being used throughout the entirety of the IT industry. The realm of startups is where you'll most frequently come across the term "agile web development," which simply refers to a particular manner of working. Web developers that are part of an agile team will organise their work into sprints that occur once a week or twice a week. A sprint will typically consist of the following phases: design, development, testing, deployment, and review. In this post, you can find additional information about agile web development. 2. A procedure known as an algorithm An algorithm is, in its most fundamental form, a method or procedure for accomplishing a particular set of goals. Problem-solving is an essential component of computer programming, and algorithms are an essential tool. When developing an algorithm, programmers will describe all of the essential steps it took to arrive at a solution to a problem, as well as what each step involves. This documentation is referred to as the algorithm's "proof of concept." 3. API API is an abbreviation for "Application Programming Interface." By making some portions of the website's code accessible to developers, an application programming interface (API) enables two separate programmes to communicate with one another. This piece of code, known as the application programming interface (API), gives programmers the ability to create applications and widgets that may be linked to a certain website. A well-known example is the Facebook Application Programming Interface (API), which makes it possible for Facebook Messenger and Words with Friends to exist. 4. Application You are undoubtedly aware with applications, and you most likely make use of several different ones on a regular basis. An application is a specific kind of software that gives the user the ability to carry out a variety of different actions, such as setting an alarm on a mobile device or composing a paper in Microsoft Word, for example. As a developer, you need to have a solid understanding of the distinctions between web apps, mobile apps, and desktop applications. Also see: app for the web.

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