
Linear-chain-model interpretation of resonant Raman scattering in GenSim microstructures

, , , , и .
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 53 (23): 15871-15877 (1996)
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.53.15871


We use a linear-chain model with bond polarizabilities to simulate the Raman spectrum of a Ge5Si5 microstructure which presents interface roughness both in the atomic scale and in the form of terraces of lateral dimensions equal or superior to 10(2) Angstrom. The model is not very successful in reproducing the effects of the short range roughness, but simulates effectively the consequences of terracing on the Raman spectrum of our sample. A detailed line shape analysis of one of these Raman lines leads to insights into the electronic states which are responsible for the resonant effects in the Raman cross section.


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