We use microprobe angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy to study
the Fermi surface and band dispersion of the CuO2 planes in the high-temperature
superconductor, YBa2Cu4O8. We find a strong in-plane asymmetry of
the electronic structure between directions along a and b axes. The
saddle point of the antibonding band lies at a significantly higher
energy in the a direction (π,0) than the b direction (0,π), whereas
the bonding band displays the opposite behavior. We demonstrate that
the abnormal band shape is due to a strong asymmetry of the bilayer
band splitting, likely caused by a nontrivial hybridization between
the planes and chains. This asymmetry has an important implication
for interpreting key properties of the Y-Ba-Cu-O family, especially
the superconducting gap, transport, and results of inelastic neutron
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