
Photosynthetic cyclic electron transport provides ATP for homeostasis during trap closure in

, , , , , , , and .
Annals of Botany, 125 (3): 485-494 (2020)Ly1rp Times Cited:3 Cited References Count:72.
DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcz185


Background and Aims The processes connected with prey capture and the early consumption of prey by carnivorous Dionaea muscipula require high amounts of energy. The aim of the present study was to identify processes involved in flytrap energy provision and ATP homeostasis under these conditions. Methods We determined photosynthetic CO2 uptake and chlorophyll fluorescence as well as the dynamics of ATP contents in the snap traps upon closure with and without prey. Key Results The results indicate that upon prey capture, a transient switch from linear to cyclic electron transport mediates a support of ATP homeostasis. Beyond 4 h after prey capture, prey resources contribute to the traps' ATP pool and, 24 h after prey capture, export of prey-derived resources to other plant organs may become preferential and causes a decline in ATP contents. Conclusions Apparently, the energy demand of the flytrap for prey digestion and nutrient mining builds on both internal and prey-derived resources.



  • @rainerhedrich_2

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