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The Final SDSS High-Redshift Quasar Sample of 52 Quasars at z>5.7

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , und .
(2016)cite arxiv:1610.05369Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.


We present the discovery of nine quasars at $z\sim6$ identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) imaging data. This completes our survey of $z\sim6$ quasars in the SDSS footprint. Our final sample consists of 52 quasars at $5.7<złe6.4$, including 29 quasars with $z_ABłe20$ mag selected from 11,240 deg$^2$ of the SDSS single-epoch imaging survey (the main survey), 10 quasars with $20z_ABłe20.5$ selected from 4223 deg$^2$ of the SDSS overlap regions (regions with two or more imaging scans), and 13 quasars down to $z_AB\approx22$ mag from the 277 deg$^2$ in Stripe 82. They span a wide luminosity range of $-29.0M_1450łe-24.5$. This well-defined sample is used to derive the quasar luminosity function (QLF) at $z\sim6$. After combining our SDSS sample with two faint ($M_1450\ge-23$ mag) quasars from the literature, we obtain the parameters for a double power-law fit to the QLF. The bright-end slope $\beta$ of the QLF is well constrained to be $\beta=-2.8\pm0.2$. Due to the small number of low-luminosity quasars, the faint-end slope $\alpha$ and the characteristic magnitude $M_1450^\ast$ are less well constrained, with $\alpha=-1.90_-0.44^+0.58$ and $M^\ast=-25.2_-3.8^+1.2$ mag. The spatial density of luminous quasars, parametrized as $\rho(M_1450<-26,z)=\rho(z=6)\,10^k(z-6)$, drops rapidly from $z\sim5$ to 6, with $k=-0.72\pm0.11$. Based on our fitted QLF and assuming an IGM clumping factor of $C=3$, we find that the observed quasar population cannot provide enough photons to ionize the $z\sim6$ IGM at $\sim90$\% confidence. Quasars may still provide a significant fraction of the required photons, although much larger samples of faint quasars are needed for more stringent constraints on the quasar contribution to reionization.



  • @miki

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