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%0 Journal Article
%1 Friedrichs.2010
%A Friedrichs, Birte
%A Tichelli, André
%A Bacigalupo, Andrea
%A Russell, Nigel H.
%A Ruutu, Tapani
%A Shapira, Michael Y.
%A Beksac, Meral
%A Hasenclever, Dirk
%A Socié, Gérard
%A Schmitz, Norbert
%D 2010
%J The Lancet Oncology
%K IMISE-Publikationen
%N 4
%P 331–338
%T Long-term outcome and late effects in patients transplanted with mobilised blood or bone marrow: a randomised trial
%V 11
added-at = {2014-10-14T15:27:57.000+0200},
author = {Friedrichs, Birte and Tichelli, André and Bacigalupo, Andrea and Russell, Nigel H. and Ruutu, Tapani and Shapira, Michael Y. and Beksac, Meral and Hasenclever, Dirk and Socié, Gérard and Schmitz, Norbert},
biburl = {},
interhash = {a85d0b279008b4dbb78da82306222fc7},
intrahash = {5171ad4763e727f9fa50df2bbdbc822b},
journal = {The Lancet Oncology},
keywords = {IMISE-Publikationen},
number = 4,
pages = {331–338},
timestamp = {2014-10-14T15:27:57.000+0200},
title = {Long-term outcome and late effects in patients transplanted with mobilised blood or bone marrow: a randomised trial},
volume = 11,
year = 2010