
Supporting Computer Science Curriculum: Exploring and Learning Linked Lists with iList

, , , , , and .
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2 (2): 107--120 (April 2009)
DOI: 10.1109/tlt.2009.21


We developed two versions of a system, called iList, that helps students learn linked lists, an important topic in computer science curricula. The two versions of iList differ on the level of feedback they can provide to the students, specifically in the explanation of syntax and execution errors. The system has been fielded in multiple classrooms in two institutions. Our results indicate that iList is effective, is considered interesting and useful by the students, and its performance is getting closer to the performance of human tutors. Moreover, the system is being developed in the context of a study of human tutoring, which is guiding the evolution of iList with empirical evidence of effective tutoring.



  • @brusilovsky

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